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Ulex Europaeus - pot

Common gorse, Prickly broom, Whin, Irish gorse, Double flowered gorse, Gorse.
Ulex EuropaeusUlex Europaeus
Price including VAT: £6.60
VAT amount: £1.10
Total Tax: £1.10

Common gorse, Prickly broom, Whin, Irish gorse, Double flowered gorse, Gorse.
This species is a broad, mound-like shrub which reaches about 6 ft (2m) in height. When it blooms in spring, it is completely covered in pea- flowers in groups of 2s or 3s; their fragrance resembles that of coconut. They are fully to frost hardy, They will tolerant very poor sandy soils and coastal conditions.

Order form
Product SKU Price with VAT Quantity
Ulex Europaeus - pot (9cm)
Ulex Europaeus - Potgrown 20 cm
Ulex Europaeus - Potgrown 30 cm