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Results 226 - 234 of 1673
Price including VAT: £282.00
VAT amount: £47.00
Total Tax: £47.00
Price including VAT: £186.00
VAT amount: £31.00
Total Tax: £31.00
Price including VAT: £258.00
VAT amount: £43.00
Total Tax: £43.00

Carpinus betulus Tree, RB/Potgrown

Hornbeam, European hornbeam, Common hornbeam.

Price including VAT: £114.00
VAT amount: £19.00
Total Tax: £19.00
Price including VAT: £234.00
VAT amount: £39.00
Total Tax: £39.00

Crataegus monogyna, 2,5-2,8m - RB/Pot grown

Singleseed hawthorn, Bread and cheese, Common hawthorn, ...

Price including VAT: £186.00
VAT amount: £31.00
Total Tax: £31.00
Price including VAT: £106.80
VAT amount: £17.80
Total Tax: £17.80

Caragana arborescens, 2 m - RB/Potgrown

Pea tree, Siberian pea tree.

Price including VAT: £186.00
VAT amount: £31.00
Total Tax: £31.00

Photinia Boxhead

Photinia Boxhead evergreen

Price including VAT: £486.00
VAT amount: £81.00
Total Tax: £81.00