- +44 20 8144 9907
- Mon - Sat 9:00 AM - 6.00 PM / Closed on Sunday
Greenhills Nursery Ltd.
Plants and Trees
Weeping or draping trees for supply all year creating that special effect that not many trees can.
Many varieties available as Weeping Willow, Salix, Weeping Birch, Betula.
Please try us for very good quality material.
Big willow trees do need a lot of space but weeping birch are more suitabe for the smaller type gardens.
Trees Weeping
Betula pendula 'Tristis' - 1.80-2.40 m , RB/Pot Grown
Birch weeping bare root.
Price including VAT: £114.00
VAT amount: £19.00
Total Tax: £19.00
Salix sepulcralis 'Tristis' 2,2- 2,5 m - RB/pot grown
Weeping Willow.
Price including VAT: £150.00
VAT amount: £25.00
Total Tax: £25.00
Betula pendula Youngii - 1.80-2.40 m , RB/Potgrown
Betula pendula Youngii in Pot/Root balled.
Price including VAT: £150.00
VAT amount: £25.00
Total Tax: £25.00
Fagus sylvatica Purpurea Pendula 200/250 cm Pot grown
Beech,Weeping Copper beech, Purple Beech.
Price including VAT: £186.00
VAT amount: £31.00
Total Tax: £31.00
Pyrus salicifolia Pendula, 2-2,4 m - pot grown
Pyrus salicifolia Pendula
Price including VAT: £150.00
VAT amount: £25.00
Total Tax: £25.00
Price including VAT: £174.00
VAT amount: £29.00
Total Tax: £29.00
Fagus sylvatica Pendula 200/250 cm Pot grown
Beech,Weeping beech.
Price including VAT: £156.00
VAT amount: £26.00
Total Tax: £26.00
Betula pendula 'Tristis' - 2,40-2,60 m , Potgrown/Root balled
Birch weeping in Pot/Root balled.
Price including VAT: £144.00
VAT amount: £24.00
Total Tax: £24.00
Acer palmatum Garnet Potgrown 200 cm
Acer palmatum Garnet
Price including VAT: £378.00
VAT amount: £63.00
Total Tax: £63.00
Fagus Purple Fountain 180-230 cm PG/RB
Weeping purple Beech
Price including VAT: £164.40
VAT amount: £27.40
Total Tax: £27.40
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